
Educational materials and events by our lab and partners


  • Interactive 3D viewer to reproduce map projections (March 2019 | versions: basic & advanced | language: English)
    [code | article]


  • WebAssembly4G: Where we are, and where we’re heading (August 2022 | level: advanced | language: English)
  • Webassembly: Wo wir sind und wo es hingehen könnte (June 2021 | level: basic | language: German)
    [slides | video | code]
  • Introduction to Vue.js (March 2017 | level: basic | language: English)
    [slides | code examples]


  • Interactive Web Maps
    (February 2016 | training on: Web Cartography with Open Source Software | level: basic | language: English)
  • Courses organized by Sourcepole
    (yearly new | open participation | trainings on: PostGIS, QGIS | level: various | language: German)


  • Introduction to D3.js (v5)
    (April 2020 | training on: Core concepts, Animated interactive diagrams | level: basic | language: English)


  • A simple GPU-powered raymarcher in Python [Part I | Part II]
    (April 2021 | tags: TensorFlow, Numba, ray tracing, 3D, machine learning | level: intermediate | language: English)


  • GitLab Tutorial for WebStorm and TortoiseGit (2018)
  • Using FME to create 3D Tiles for Cesium from OpenStreetMap data (2018)
    [pdf | data package]
  • Using JOSM to Extract and Save Specific OpenStreetMap Data into a GIS format (2018)
  • Using QGIS to Extract and Save Specific OpenStreetMap data into a GIS format (2014)
    [pdf | data package]
  • Using QGIS to convert a spreadsheet (or a .csv file) into a point-Shapefile (2014)
    [data package]
  • Creating a Web Map with Texture and Scale-dependent Symbolization using TileMill and MapBox (2014)
    [pdf | data package]

Further materials:

Updated on 07 October 2022 by Raimund Schnürer | training at OSGL ETH Zurich